2015Hermes China Internship Program is officially launched!The program allows students or potential employees to have access to Hermes through internship and a better understanding of Hermes as a company. Interns will undergo interview process by both HR and Hiring Manager. Hermes provides competitive compensation and benefitsfor our interns. Each intern will be assigned with a mentor to help with the knowledge and skill development. Interns will enjoy the priority to be a potential permanent staff of Hermes in our future employment.A Warm Welcome to Join the Hermes Family!
Logistic Intern –Import Operation& Trade compliance
Logistic Intern – Distribution and Import process
Accounting Intern
Internal Control Intern
IT Helpdesk Intern
After-sales-service Intern
CRM Intern
Merchandising Assistant Intern
Operation Intern
Maintenance Intern
Special SalesIntern
PR &Communication
Advertising & Edition Intern
Communication Intern
PR Intern
Press Intern
Press Room Intern
Window Assistant Intern
11月26日 18:30—20:30 浙江工商大学下沙校区图书馆一楼报告厅